PRP Skin Rejuvenation

PRP Skin Rejuvenation

Per session

“PRP should be regarded as a biological normaliser. When we are young, we usually have wonderful skin which is rich in hyaluronic acid and stem cells, because fundamentally the skin is behaving normally with minimal effects of ageing or environmental factors.

If skin behaves normally, then its balance is right, its protection is right, it hydrates itself, and it repairs itself. It is only when any of those mechanisms are out of balance that you start to see damage outside of normal ageing.

PRP can generate an injury response in your body when it is placed in the skin or any given area and fundamentally sets up the start of a signalling cascade which causes the recruitment of cells to heal and repair the area. Senescent stem cells will be woken up, growth factors will be rallied, fibroblasts, transforming proteins, and cytokines will be enlisted to help form new cells in this area, to bring the integrity of that tissue back to a ‘normal’ phase. PRP

is not designed to make a ‘super you’, but a ‘normal you’, which is what we want as good aesthetic practitioners. We accept your ‘normal you’ may be better than your ‘current you’! Patients have problems with their skin because it is not behaving in the normal way that it should be, PRP can optimise and maintain normal. It will also stop free radical damage, stop the activity of inflammatory cytokines, making it a potent anti-inflammatory, which is why it helps in arthritis.

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